What every Teenager Must Know
3 Things to Know About Teenage Dating The teenage age is the most interesting, however the most crucial. Would you rather waste or invest it? Puberty is undeniable in you, and there is a need to satisfy your emotional urge. Everyone cannot deny the growth that has occurred in your physique, and you might be considering a romantic relationship. If this is the exact thought in your head, you might not be wrong, but how about telling you something more interesting. Let me begin by first informing you that your life is not an experiment, you were created in God exact image and likeness, for a specific purpose. There is more to your life than your emotions, nothing is wrong with being emotional. However, allowing your emotions control you, is a huge risk!! You shouldn’t allow your life to be used as a laboratory equipment because of emotions. There is time and season for everything in life. The teenage age (13-19) is not the appropriate time for a rom...