What every Teenager Must Know
3 Things to Know About Teenage Dating
The teenage age is the most interesting, however the most crucial. Would you rather waste or invest it?
Puberty is undeniable in you, and there is a need to satisfy your emotional urge. Everyone cannot deny the growth that has occurred in your physique, and you might be considering a romantic relationship. If this is the exact thought in your head, you might not be wrong, but how about telling you something more interesting.
Let me begin by first informing you that your life is not an experiment, you were created in God exact image and likeness, for a specific purpose. There is more to your life than your emotions, nothing is wrong with being emotional. However, allowing your emotions control you, is a huge risk!!
You shouldn’t allow your life to be used as a laboratory equipment because of emotions. There is time and season for everything in life. The teenage age (13-19) is not the appropriate time for a romantic relationship. What! I shouldn’t have a romantic partner?
Yes! that’s exactly my thought. You do not need a relationship now. Let me quickly remind you that the company you keep, determines what accompanies you, and this include your relationship.
You should not be in a relationship, when you cannot clearly define the purpose of the relationship. A romantic relationship is beyond cruise, it is a commitment to being responsible for one another.
According to Henry W. Longfellow “youth comes but once in a lifetime.” If you miss your youthful age, it becomes regrettable.
Beyond the hunt for a romantic relationship, is the mission to discover your purpose; what exactly are you created for? How do you go about achieving this purpose, and your dreams If you are yet to discover your purpose, you shouldn’t be in a relationship.
Do you know why?
Your partner is God’s plan in assisting you fulfill your purpose. But when you are yet to discover purpose, then selecting a partner is wrong. This leads us to this truth- Every romantic relationship is a prospect of marriage.
Most importantly, you must forget what you feel, remind yourself of what you deserve. There are hundreds of things you should be concentrated on, during your teenage days.
A romantic relationship is not a priority for a teenager! This is because there is more to a successful relationship, than crush, feelings and love. Let me shock you, love only contribute about 50% to the success of every relationship. The remaining 50% are more critical than love.
Love does not guarantee a good relationship. Purpose, commitment, trust, sincerity, responsibility, sacrifice, and selflessness does.
Why shouldn’t I delve into teenage relationship?
Heartbreak: The first reason you shouldn’t consider a teenage relationship is the danger of heart break. A teenager is too young to handle the trauma attached to emotional heartbreak.
Sometimes, the female teenagers do not desire love anymore, while the guys could be left in the disaster of not wanting to be with a woman anymore.
A relationship demand that you take your time, and understand the other person, to avoid heartbreak. But when there is no purpose like majority of the teenage relationships, both partners get tired of one another, and ultimately lead to the end of the relationship.
Qualification: There is time for everything in life, and teenage hood is not the right time for a romantic relationship. Rather, your teenage is for discovering yourself and not your partner.
It is the time to love and respect yourself, before loving another. It is the time to understand what you want to achieve in life, set goals, build meaningful relationships, and make great decisions.
Time: The last danger of teenage relationship is time wasting. Every relationship should be with the aim of marriage. For instance, a 16-year-old girl in a relationship is absolutely wasting her time, as she will definitely not be ready for marriage in another 5 years’ time.
Since marriage is not realistic in the relationship, then you should call it quit, rather than waste your time. Here is a better advice, invest your time in reading books, build quality relationships, attend life changing workshops, and be intentional about becoming a better person.
I am sorry if I already discouraged you from going into that relationship, but sincerely, I love you, and I want the best for you. Relationship is not the best right now; purpose discovery is the best! Go all out for that and thank me later. I can see you at the top there, shinning and winning. Soar!!!
Thank you so much, this is great!! 😋