5 ways to make right choices

    The future you desire is not as far as it seem. However, the only link between your present and the future is your choice. At every point or stage in life there is always the need to make decisions. Remember, life is in phases and the quality of every phase is in the choice you make.                                                                                        

The difference between two athletes is the choices they have both made individually. It is easy to differentiate an athlete that has undergone rigorous training and the one that has not trained. There is no little choice, every choice you make is always important irrespective of how trivial the decision may seem. Every choice you make will always determine the pattern or trend your life will follow. The choice you make today will determine the life you chase, there is no alternative to making choices, you are totally responsible for the outcome of your life. It is a wrong thing to leave your decisions to circumstances and situations, friends or parents. Choice is personal, it is not a wrong thing to seek for advice or people opinion but don’t allow this opinion be ahead of your personal decisions. You must never be in a haste when making decisions because the choice you will make now has an impact on your future. Let’s check how to make good choices:


Be True To Yourself

   Experimenting with your life is very dangerous and unneeded. You are the one that needs the choice, you know why you should make the choice and you know the effect of the choice. Always ask yourself thought provoking questions, see things as they are and don’t allow situations or circumstances to predict the outcome of events for you. Example, a student who needs a textbook decides to buy clothes just to satisfy the personal wants, the student knows the textbook is more important, but because of being unrealistic the student choose to buy clothes and eventually fail the exams. Obviously, the student failure is as a result of the choice he made. Your needs should always be above your wants when making decisions.


   A person without goals or vision is only existing and not living. One certain factor that will influence your decision is your personal goals. When a choice or decision is not in alignment with your goals, such choices should be neglected. The danger here is that, if you don’t have a goal you will always make wrong choices. Your goals assist you to make right choices. Your choice has a direct relationship with the achievement of your goals. If there are no goals, then there will be no need to make choices because the end result of the choices you make is to achieve your goals.


   The company you keep or the friends you move with will always affect the choice you make. If your association is bad, they will only help you make bad choices, if your association is good, they will also help you make good choices. Please note, this association also includes your mentor, guardian and senior colleagues. Beware of wrong associations, they hinder your progress and success in life. Always seek to be in the right company, they will help you move forward and achieve your goals. If your friends are not helping you move forward, they are not good for you, walk out of every wrong association and make your life meaningful.

Core values

  They are the important beliefs of a person. Your core values have the ability to dictate your behavior and help you differentiate between the right and the wrong. Examples of core values are integrity, honesty, faith, hard work etc. when a person has good core values in place, making decisions will not be a problem because these core values will always guide you in making the right decisions. Your core values are the foundation for your decision making. It is important you develop yourself with your core values, this hasten your decision-making process.

 Seek Knowledge

   This is one important thing for everyone, learning is a cycle, it never comes to an end. The choice you will make, will thrive on what you know. If your knowledge is limited, your choice will always be limited. Always seek to know, ask questions, clear your doubts and verify your assumptions. Accurate knowledge births accurate decisions. Knowledge may be costly, but the benefits are endless. Acquire the right knowledge, it will be helpful in every area of your life.

There is no way you can prevent making choices, it is very important for everyone and also inescapable. If you must progress in life, you must make choices. Your choice determines your place! Make the right choice today and live a better life tomorrow.


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