Hard work or Hard Life?

   Hard work the only substitute for a Hard life. Many individuals are tired, confused, discouraged, and others are even living in despair because they are not achieving results in life or not successful in their pursuits. There are many routes to success, the most proven route is Hard work. A lot of people imagine so many great things in life, but it never comes to reality. If you want to see your dreams become a reality then you must realize that the only way is hard work. It is not really as hard as it seems, it is only being hard at one’s work: whatever profitable thing you find doing.

Truth be told, there is no work that is not hard, even a yahoo boy will tell you that yahoo is hard, you want to talk of playing football, it is also hard, even stealing is also hard! Therefore, there is really no work or job that is easy.

The Major Reason working hard seem so much of a big deal is because you have not really found out why you are in that work, or you are not doing what is interesting to you or involving yourself with something of interest to you. When you are committed and delighted about that job or work it won’t be as hard as it seems. There is really no hard work anywhere, it is simply taking your work seriously and doing it well, rapidly without being found idle at any point in time. Don’t forget the bible says “he that does not work must not eat”. The most fruitful thing to do for every responsible person is to be committed to one’s work because in your commitment to work brings your pay, your profiting, and the security of your posterity. Nothing gives value to life than your work, hence whatever is worth doing, is worth doing well. The man that refuse to work hard, will live to eat hard!

The real-life story of Colonel Harland Sanders who was disappointed umpteen times in his life and still made his dream come true late in his life is really inspiring.

He is a seventh grade dropped out who tried many ventures in life but tasted bitter every time. He started selling chicken at his age of 40 but his dream of a restaurant was turned down many times due to conflicts and wars.

Later he attempted to franchise his restaurant. His recipe got rejected 1,009 times before the final approval. And soon the secret recipe, “Kentucky Fried Chicken” became a huge hit worldwide. KFC was expanded globally and the company was sold for 2 million dollars and his face is still celebrated in the logos.

  Every individual should note that working hard is not a sin, it is just the best way out of poverty, refuse to be deceived you must stay hard to your job or whatever you find your hand doing, what people see as being hard in every job/work is doing what is required of you and doing it very well. For example, the most demanding requirement for every student is to read, but don’t be surprised some lazy student find this as a hard work.

Is that really a hard work?

It is good you do away with the wrong perspective of hard work because your perspective determines your understanding, & your understanding decides your position. There is no star without a scar: It means the sacrifice you have to pay, your diligence and commitment. if you want to be a star, you must have a scar. Hard work only requires you to be brave, smart & hard (been resolute, committed, obedient & doing everything required of you and doing it well) at work.

Finally, the choice is yours, it’s either;

Hard work or a hard future

Hard work or a hard marriage

Hard work or a never fulfilling dream.

Take delight in everything you find your hand to do, in it is the success of every other aspect of your life.


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