
         The word brings so much excitement just as it true meaning. It is not of the outward appearance (it is beyond what people see; it is a permanent state/mood irrespective of circumstances).
The life of a man is beyond achievement, it is also far beyond been the best in your career or profession. There are a lot of successful people in our contemporary world who has achieved great things but are also not fulfilled. These categories of people lack happiness because they are not satisfied. In the midst of wealth, you still find these people brooding over their life’s, they are not just satisfied with their achievement.

Is satisfaction & fulfillment the same?
   Two similar words but different meaning. Satisfaction means that there is a minimum to be considered good, while fulfillment implies that you either achieve a standard (reached the full line) or did not. It is clear that the word satisfaction has to do with at least having something while fulfillment is to achieve a target. That is why satisfied people are always joyful people, while people chasing fulfillment are never satisfied hence lack happiness.

What exactly is joy?
  Theopedia describes ‘joy’ as a state of mind and an orientation of the heart, it is a settled state of contentment, confidence and hope. Let’s take a look at the last three words in the sentence:
   Contentment: This is the state of being satisfied with whatever a person has. When a person has contentment, he or she does not compare their lives with that of another.
    Confidence: it is simply expression or feeling of certainty of the likely outcome of things. a confident person lives in assurance of a good future.
       Hope:  This is the belief or expectation that something wished for can or will happen. It is also the virtuous desire for a good future. Always keep your hope alive, your present level may not look like where you are going but never be discouraged, continue to believe.
The truth remains that a person’s state of being joyous or joyful has nothing to do with what the present situation is. A joyful person is always delighted whether their desires are granted or not. They are never shaken by the outcome of things.
   Joy is also been;
JOCUND: The state of been jovial, exuberant, lighthearted, merry and in high spirit always exhibiting happiness.
A joyful person is always a happy person!

OPTIMISTIC: The tendency to take the most hopeful or cheerful view of matters or to expect the best outcome.
You can’t be joyful and not be hopeful, joy gives you strength to hope for that which is ahead.

NEVER YIELDING; A joyful person is never affected by what happens, he/she maintains the high spirit because they are never going to give up.

Happiness or joy
      Both words seem to be the same, but they are never the same. We already defined joy, let’s also define happiness.
Happiness is the state of being happy or a feeling showing pleasure or contentment.
It is clear that happiness is caused by positive happening or result in a person’s life while joy is not affected by situations or happenings.
A joyful person is always happy but a happy person may not be joyful i.e. happiness is temporary while joy is permanent. A joyful person is always a fruitful person, joyful people are the best.

 How to Remain Joyful
Gratitude: This is the state of being grateful, learn to always appreciate people for every little thing they do, even when they don’t deliver up to your expectations still appreciate them and most importantly appreciate God for your present position, never see any of your accomplishment as your effort. Gratitude make you joyful.

Avoid Comparison: The race of life is personal; everyone is working towards success but you must realize that everyone has a different route to success. never compare your life with another, focus on your own race and run it well. The fact that your colleague is above you today does not mean they will be above you forever, look beyond the present and be optimistic of a great future.

Stay joyful, in it lies your happiness
Stay joyful, in it lies your strength
Stay joyful, in it lies your hope for the future.
Joyful People Are ever victorious, they are more than conquerors!


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