
            The road of success is muddy and turbulent. It does not only require commitment; it also demands courage and focus. The challenges and circumstances of life are very distractive, hence require someone who is totally concentrated on the goal without giving up or been distracted.
Focus is the concentration of your attention. It is given all of your attention to a particular desire or goal. A focused person fights the hardest, is never discouraged, always committed, never frustrated, and always find their way out of every form of confusion.

Enemies of Focus
  The factors that hinders people from being focused are quite few, these factors appear to be so insignificant, yet they cause a lot of havoc in a person life. Some of these factors are:
Lack of vision or goals
   The truth is most people don’t even have a vision or goal, while others have goals but they are too ambiguous. If there are no goals or vision, then there is no need for focus.
     Interestingly, distractions are part of life, some of these distractions are needed while the rest are to be discarded. Be wise and make the right decision.
    This is the act of carrying out two or more tasks at the same time. Multitasking is not bad in itself as it help increase your productivity but it also reduces your focus.
Wrong association
     Your association defines your life! When you keep the wrong set of friends who are not going in the same direction as yourself, they will make you lose concentration.
      This means having a negative belief. When you become uncertain of the future, you gradually begin to shift your attention from your expectations. The best solution to pessimism is to be optimistic.

   Focus is the master key to productivity. Remember whatever is worth doing is worth doing well! Give your goals, targets and assignments your best, be resolute and strong. Focus is the engine that propels your vision and accomplish greatness.
The body achieves what the mind believes.


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